Try running payments using incognito (Chrome) mode or a private window (Safari, Firefox etc.) that will remove all cookies etc if you are encountering an error.
YES, we do require a signed month to month rental agreement. Rental agreement will normally be mailed to you and must be filled out and returned.
Yes, we do require a $20 security deposit which is included in your first month payment.
You can either pay online, setup automatic payments , send your payment to P.O. Box 123 Gilmer, Texas 75644, or there is a secure drop box located at each facility.
407 East Henderson St. Bullard, Texas 75757
Yes, we do not provide locks.
NO, we are a month to month facility.
We send out bills on the 1st of every month, stating the bill is due on the 1st, but we offer Flex Pay. As long as you pay by the 5th of your current billing month, you’re in good standing.
YES, $30.
NO, we do not offer climate controlled units.
NO, for the security of our other customers, we cannot allow it.
NO, you can NOT run a business out of your storage unit.
YES, just play something I like.
YES, we have some that pay a year in advance, if they know they are going to stay that long.
Ceiling height should be 8 feet.
To get your security deposit back, you need to provide a 30-day notice before moving out. It seems like many people don’t quite grasp what the deposit is for!
Nobody likes unwelcome guests like spiders, bugs and mice in their homes. Your storage unit should be no different. You’re most likely questioning how you’ll be able to keep them out of your storage unit. Not to worry, we are here to help with some helpful tips.
Just following a few of these key tips should help limit your valuables exposure to the unwanted visitors.
Be proactive when you are packing your items to take to the storage unit. Plastic containers with lids that seal tightly are a good idea. Mice cannot chew through them, and they are great for stacking.
For one thing, it violates the terms of the rental agreement you signed. For another, that is just a bad idea – you are just baiting the mice to come in.
That way, if one of those critters does decide to visit your unit, it will be walking on the plastic and not all over your furniture. Mice often leave urine or feces to tell where they’ve been, don’t let it be on your furniture.
Give your boxes, totes, furniture and appliances a really good once over and make sure they are free of critters.
You can grab some bug spray, mousetraps or poison. Or you can grab some peppermint oil (see further below), a spray bottle and cotton balls. You can spray the cotton balls with the peppermint oil and stick them inside drawers, boxes and so on to keep the critters away while your stuff is in storage.
Now that you’ve prepared for the trip to the storage unit, let’s focus on what to do when you get there.
First thing you should do when you arrive at your storage unit is open the door and look inside. Make sure the unit is swept. Look around the walls and door to see if there is any evidence of rodent or spider activity. The storage unit should be clean and ready for you to move your stuff right in.
You can spray the walls, floor and ceiling of the unit with the bug spray to give it a good barrier right from the start.
Place mouse bait or traps inside the unit, near the door and also in the back corner if you have a large unit. If you choose this method, you will need to stop back at your unit regularly and check the traps for any mice you may have caught and empty them, not a good idea to leave a rotting mouse carcass with your things.
Another option would be the peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is a natural deterrent to mice and spiders and will make your unit and items smell much nicer then mothballs. To use peppermint oil, take the peppermint oil and place a few drops of the oil on a cotton ball and place the cotton ball at any hole or crack that you think a mouse could enter the unit. You should also place the peppermint oil cotton balls right inside the door on the left and right side. For the spiders, take your spray bottle and fill it with two teaspoons of peppermint oil and one cup of water. Shake and then spray along the bottom of the walls, along the sides and the back. After you have everything inside the unit, spray the front of the unit before you close the door. Mice and spiders will steer clear of your unit because they do not like the smell of peppermint. You can repeat this process as the seasons change to keep it most effective.
If you need a storage unit and you are ready to tackle these tips right away, rent from us.
Not all self storage facilities are created equal. At K&S Storage, our units are built to the highest standards; wide drives throughout the facility. We offer fast, friendly service.
Note: While we understand that online payment methods may occasionally present challenges, we want to remind our valued customers that ensuring timely payments remains essential.
If you encounter any technical issues with our online payment system, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Alternatively, for your convenience, you have the option to mail a check or drop it off in our secure drop box at Mini Storage of Mount Pleasant location.
We greatly appreciate your commitment to meeting your payment obligations, and we’re here to help you navigate any payment-related concerns to ensure a seamless experience.